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Let It Brie

A responsive web design for a local cheese shop

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Whether you’re going on a date night, or having lunch with your friends, this cheese shop is a local restaurant that provides food, wine, events, and large cheese boards. This is place where friends and loved ones can gather and experience all the different flavors of cheese and accoutrements they are served with. They are in need of a responsive web design to cover all the different things they have available.


Role: UX Designer (Research, Visual Design, Interaction Design, User Testing)

Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Miro, Trello

Duration: 2 Weeks (80 Hours)

Challenge: Create a responsive website and branding

Team: Self Directed, with feedback from the mentor and peers

Design Process

01 Research

Research Plan
Competitve Analysis
Social Media Benchmark
Field Research
User Interview
User Persona

02 Define

User Flow

03 Design

Lo-fi Wireframes
Style Guide
Hi-Fi Wireframes

04 Prototype & Test

Hi-fi Prototype
Responsive UI Design
Usability Testing
Research Findings
Wireframe Iteration

01 Research

Research Goals

The goal of this research is to better understand consumers (old and new) and what made them want to explore this business, as well as identify any potential opportunities and/or threats.

Others goals include:

  • Find the target market

  • What brings them to the restaurant

  • How did they find the restaurant?

  • What piqued their interest / what’s most interesting about the restaurant



Competitive Analysis - used to analyze the current market and identify potential opportunities and /or threats

Primary Research - Will interview participants to better understand their wants and needs

Field Research - Used to understand the cheese board market more and how they categorize charcuterie board items

Social Media Benchmark - What makes Let It Brie stand out from other cheese sh

Competitive Analysis

I started out with a competitive analysis to analyze the current market and identify potential opportunities and / or threats

competitive analysis.jpg

Social Media Benchmark

To understand the local competition, I did a social media benchmark to find what made Let It Brie different.

What makes Let It Brie Different?

Family, Community, Small parties

Let It Brie is family oriented and community driven.
They have weekly events like wine and cheese nights and live music.
Because it is located in a college town, there are many students and young couples who like to visit, but their main crowd are people aged 45-65 who like to visit with friends or family for a meal.

social media benchmark.jpg

Primary Research

Building on a general understanding of the market, I wanted to have a real connection with the customers and gain direct insights on them through primary research.

I went to the Let It Brie store, where I was able to talk to one of the owners. She was kind enough to sit down with me and answer a few questions. I then asked if I could interview a few of her regular customers, to which she agreed.

I created an interview guide to facilitate the user interview process and had asked a total of 13 questions, hoping to understand their needs for the website.

Here are a few takeaways:

  • The most popular way people found the business was through friends / word of mouth

  • Most people did not know anything about charcuterie before coming to the store and relied on the owners / workers to create their board for them

  • People liked that there was an element of surprise for the cheese meats and accoutrement

  • 3 people were looking for the menu with images

  • 2 people were looking for information on upcoming special events

  • Baby boomers seem to be the age range for regulars, although some have mentioned that many younger professionals visit as well, since there are many local businesses around the area. Boomers also rely on images to see menu items, and are less likely to purchase items if there are none.

User Persona

Through the research and knowledge about the regular customers, I created a user persona to represent the key audience. This helped me focus on addressing the major needs of the most important user groups.


02 Define


Let It Brie already had a basic website, and I wanted to improve upon it while still keeping the original skeleton. Some things I have added to their website is the blog and upcoming events, which would help regular customers feel more included in their community. This sitemap helped me to visualize the relationship between the content and examine the hierarchy.

Sitemap - Let It Brie.jpg

User Flow

Since most people said they would go on the website to view their menu, I created a user flow showing how they would view the menu, and even order online.

User Flow - Let It Brie.jpg

03 Design

Lo-fi Wireframes

Initial sketches were created to get my ideas going. My main focus was on the menu page, but I also wanted to create frames for other pages that may be used or seen based on the user persona.


Style Guide

I completely redeveloped the visual style of Let It Brie to have a more calming and inviting vibe. This style guide incorporates the logo design, color palette, typography, imagery, and other UI elements needed for the hi-fi wireframes.

Asset 2.png

Responsive UI Design

I created responsive UIs to further help me examine the overall feeling and visual balance of the website.

Usability Testing

After making the wireframes, it was time to create the prototype, so people can interact with it and test the website. I proceeded with doing a usability test, where I was able to test out the prototype with 5 different people using 3 different scenarios. This helped me to understand the pain points and / or things that were not working about the website. Here were some takeaways from the testing.


Final Look

With all the high-fidelity pages designed, I built up the final prototype with the included revisions.


Kitchen Stories

